I am currently a junior undergraduate student at Dalian University of Technology, majoring in Software Technology.

Now working as a research intern at THUNLP (2023.7 - present), learning around LLM & (multi-) agent, and participated in project ChatDev.

Actively seeking for a Master & Ph.D. opportunities in the fall of 2025!

In 2023, I won the National Scholarship (0.2% of college students per year) and 5 individual scholarships of various kinds, and in 2022, I won Huawei Smart Pedestal Scholarship.

In addition to studying and research, I love to play basketball, sing and other abundant activities.


  • 2023.12:  🎉🎉 Team’s recent work Experiential Co-Learning of Software-Developing Agents has released on arXiv:2312.17025
  • 2023.11: 😊 I was invited by the Dalian University of Technology Entrepreneurship Alumni Association to share ChatDev work.
  • 2023.08:  🎉🎉 The project I participated in, ChatDev, was officially open sourced.



Experiential Co-Learning of Software-Developing Agents

Chen Qian, Yufan Dang, Jiahao Li, Wei Liu, Weize Chen, Cheng Yang, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun



Communicative Agents for Software Development

Chen Qian, Xin Cong, Wei Liu, Cheng Yang, Weize Chen, Yusheng Su, Yufan Dang, Jiahao Li, Juyuan Xu, Dahai Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun


Research Experience


Research Intern, 2023.7 - present

Topic 1: Multi-Agents Collaborative Software development - ChatDevs

  • Project Introduction: ChatDev is a virtual software company with multi-agents collaborative operation, through interactive collaboration between agents of different roles, software development according to the task needs of human users, and generate a complete software (including code and documentation).
  • Main contributions:
    • Championed the open-source repository through comprehensive testing and fixed bugs.
    • Modify the conversation prompt to optimize the relevant dialogue mechanism between agents.
    • Daily maintenance of the project’s open source repository.
  • Project Results:Paper currently published in arXiv:2307.07924. ChatDev, an open-source repository.

Topic 2: Empirical Co-Learning of Software-Developing Agents

  • Project Introduction: By driving agents to extract shortcut experience in historical tasks, as well as memory storage, and mutual inference through experience sample retrieval in unseen tasks,the completion and compilation success rate of agent’s autonomous software development are significantly improved.
  • Main contributions:
    • Implement the Self-Instruct script to generate instruction samples in the shortcut experience.
    • Empirical persistence experiment analysis, optimization and testing of memory storage mechanism.
    • Parse the generated log file.
    • Complete the experimental content such as task embedding generation classification, LLM software evaluation, dialogue analysis, etc.
  • Project Results: Paper currently published in arXiv:2312.17025. and form a patent pending.

Now exploring the way to further improve the effect of the memory mechanism.

Participating in the review of EMNLP-2023.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students - Generating adversarial text


Honors and Awards

  • 2023.10 National Scholarship国家奖学金 (0.2% of college students per year)
  • 2022.11 Huawei Smart Pedestal Scholarship(华为智能基座学生奖学金)
  • 2023.01 APMCM亚太地区大学生数学建模竞赛二等奖
  • 2023.7 MathorCup高校数学建模竞赛三等奖
  • 2022.10 大连理工大学阳光教育奖学金
  • 2022、2023 连续两年被评为大连理工大学校优秀三好学生


Looking for a internship opportunities in the NLP/AI department.


  • 2021.09 - 2025.06 (now), Dalian University of Technology, majoring in **Software Technology (大连理工大学软件学院).

  • 2018.09 - 2021.06, 辽宁省实验中学营口分校.